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Software Requirements Specification

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1 ÇANKAYA UNIVERSITY Software Requirements Specification Simulacrum: Simulated Virtual Reality for Emergency Medical Intervention in Battle Field Conditions Sedanur DO臑AN , Nesil ME艦URHAN , Mert Ali GÖZCÜ /11/2016

2 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION Purpose Scope of Project Glossary References Overview of the Document OVERALL DESCRIPTION Product Perspective Development Methodology User Characteristic Participants Admin REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION External Interface Requirements User interfaces Hardware interfaces Software interfaces Communications interfaces Functional Requirements Profile Management Use Case Options Menu Use Case for Setting Training Mode Use Case Battlefield Mode Use Case Performance Requirement Software System attributes Portability Performance Usability Adaptability Scalability Safety Requirement REFERENCES

3 List of Figures Figure 1 Scrumban Figure 2 Kanban Board Figure 3 Profile Management Use Case Diagram Figure 4 Participant Option Menu Use Case Diagram Figure 5 Training Mode Use Case Diagram Figure 6 Battlefield Mode Use Case Diagram 2

4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is describing the simulation which is called Simulacrum: Simulated Virtual Reality for Emergency Medical Intervention in Battle Field Conditions. This simulation aims to educate military personnel about principles of medical interventions in battlefield conditions. This document includes detailed information about requirements of the project. It reflects the identified constraints and proposed software functionalities. Moreover, the SRS document explains how participants interact with the simulation. This document explains how concerns of the stakeholders are met. 1.2 Scope of Project Most of the military personnel do not have enough knowledge and experience about medical intervention techniques. In addition to this, the personnel, who has the knowledge about medical intervention techniques, might be ineffective because they are not familiar with the battlefield conditions and this causes increasing level of anxiety or stress. There are not enough efficient and low cost training programs that addresses this problem. The project has become necessary to develop due to lack of these training programs. The purpose of Simulacrum project is to design Immediate Medical Intervention During Combat both as a standalone application and a VR system, which shall include realistic scenarios, by taking account of the experience gained by Turkish Armed Forces personnel and their inventories (e.g. tools, materials) that are used for medical intervention. To increase the level of immersion in this project, HTC Vive is going to be used. This technology allows the participants to interact with virtual environment. This interaction occurs by walking around in virtual world and touching the objects in the virtual world using controllers. Apart from having medical intervention situations in battlefield conditions, this simulation also includes first-aid trainings. This project creates opportunities such as frequent repeating, easier access, efficient cost, etc. There are two actors in the simulation which are participant and admin. NPCs (Nonplayer Character) have roles such as trainer, victim, etc. During the simulation, participant can interact with these NPCs and get specific information from NPCs related to situation. Participant will be debriefed about first-aid and medical intervention techniques. After the debriefing, participant shall take a quiz about these techniques. If the result of the test is satisfactory, the participant shall be able to practice the techniques. Participant is always able to see his/her previous scores in tests and practices. If the participant is successful in every technique in training mode, participant shall be able to attend to practice medical intervention techniques in battlefield conditions. Second type of actor is admin and admins have the authority of making changes in database system. DBMS (Database Management System) includes information regarding personnel and tests. 3

5 1.3 Glossary Term Participant Haptic Feedback Definition The user who interacts with the simulation environment. Generally Medical Aid Man, Privates Sergeants, Militant Lifesaver, Commissioned Officer in Turkish Armed Forces Creating sense of touch by applying vibrations and forces to the user HTC Vive Stakeholders Virtual Environment It is head-mounted virtual reality glasses which has gaze driven technology and provides haptic feedback through controllers Any person who has contribution in the project. Computer generated 3D modelled environment which has the resemblances of the real world Virtual Reality NPC (Non-player Character) DBMS (Database Management System) It is computer-simulated environment which the user interacts with this environment Characters in the simulation who cannot be controlled by the participant [1] It is a software product which includes functions of organize data, store data, retrieve data and maintain data in a database [2] 1.4 References [1] T. Petrenko and O. Tymchuk, "Adaptive Behavior Control Model of Non Player Character", 2013 UKSim 15th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, [2] N. Sharma, L. Perniu, R. Chong, A. Iyer, C. Nandan, M. Nonvinkere and M. Danabianu, Database Fundamentals ideal for application developer and administrator, 1st ed. Canada: IBM Corporation,

6 1.5 Overview of the Document The second part of the document describes functionalities of the Simulacrum: Simulated Virtual Reality for Emergency Medical Intervention in Battle Field Conditions. Informal requirements are described and it is a context for technical requirement specification in the Requirement Specification chapter. Requirement Specification chapter is written for software developers and details of the functionality of the simulation are described in technical terms. Both of the sections describe the functionalities of the same product. However, it is described differently because they are intended for different audiences. 2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product Perspective Simulacrum: Simulated Virtual Reality for Emergency Medical Intervention in Battle Field Conditions is a virtual reality simulation project that has the purpose of training first aid and medical intervention techniques in battlefield conditions. The project divided into three parts: login part, training mode and battlefield conditions mode. Login part is designed for different users. Training mode includes three parts which are education about first-aid and medical intervention techniques, quiz about related topics and practice of the technique part. Battlefield condition mode has different scenarios about applying medical intervention techniques in battlefield conditions Development Methodology For developing the project, using a hybrid development methodology has been planned. This hybrid development methodology is Scrumban (Figure 1) which contains features of Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban board has been used for tracking the work-flow. Figure 1 Scrumban Scrum is an agile software development methodology which is incremental and iterative. The main work is divided into sprints which should be completed approximately within 30 days. One of the reasons we have chosen scrumban methodology is feature of sprint in scrum methodology. At the end of each sprint, a part of project has been completed and it has been presented to customer for validation. Kanban provides transparency and faster output during the development cycle. New tasks can be added into the project tasks with no problem if the capacity is available. Another advantage of Kanban is every member of the team can perform all the 5

7 tasks. With combinations of these advantages, Scrumban has three main advantages. The first advantage is saving time. It is not needed to estimate or plan sprints since Scrumban uses planning on demand technique. The second advantage is quality. Due to saving time technique of Scrumban, developers have more enough time to inspect the product in order to increase the quality of the product. Last of the advantages is waste minimization. Scrumban uses flow diagrams to display weakness and opportunities of the processes. This creates a chance to eliminate processes that has no value to the customer. By taking into consideration of these facts, Scrumban is the most suitable methodology for the project. Figure 2 Kanban Board Figure 2 indicates the Kanban board that includes six different phases. Project Backlog phase contains all processes within the sprint. To Do phase includes which is need to be done with priority. In Progress phase contains tasks that are currently being constructed. In Review phase represent processes that are being reviewed. To Deploy phase includes modules that are ready to be integrated within the main system. Done phase indicates processes that are successfully working within the system. 2.2 User Characteristic Participants Participant must be an employee of Turkish Armed Forces Participant must read and understand Turkish language due to simulation language is Turkish Participant must have knowledge of first-aid and medical intervention techniques. 6

8 Admin Admin must be an employee of Turkish Armed Forces Admin must read and understand Turkish language due to simulation language is Turkish Admin must know how to use a computer Admin must have knowledge of first-aid and medical intervention techniques. 3. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION 3.1 External Interface Requirements User interfaces The user interface will be worked on Windows and Web Hardware interfaces The simulation requires HTC Vive. HTC Vive requires necessary drivers installed within the operating system. Also, it requires 1 USB and HDMI port on the PC Software interfaces There are no external software interface requirements Communications interfaces There are no external communications interface requirements. 3.2 Functional Requirements Profile Management Use Case Use Case: Login Register Update Exit Delete Approve Add an Admin 7

9 Diagram: Figure 3 Profile Management Use Case Brief Description: In Profile Management diagram (Figure 3) explains the basic operations which is related to entering system of participant and admin. Participant and admin are able to use the following functions: Login, Update, and Exit. Apart from these, participant can also use the Register function and Admin can use the Delete, Approve and Add an Admin functions. Initial Step by Step Description: 1. If participant does not have an account, he/she should register into the system. 2. Participant and admin shall login to the system using their username and password If the username is not found in database, participant should register to the system If the password is invalid for the username, participant and admin should re-login. 3. Participant can update his/her personal information. 4. Admin can update participant s information. 5. Admin can delete accounts which belong to a participant. 6. Admin can approve requests of registration and update made by participants. 7. Admin can add a new admin into the system. 8. Admin and Participant can exit from the system. 8

10 Options Menu Use Case for Setting Use Case: Diagram: Pause Continue Change Volume Settings Display Instructions Exit Figure 4 Participant Option Menu Use Case for Settings Brief Description: Figure 4 shows participant option menu use case diagram. When participant entered training and battlefield simulation within the system, he/she can display the options menu. Participant can execute functions of Pause, Continue, Change Volume Settings, Display Instructions and Exit in options menu. Initial Step-By-Step Description: 1. If participant selects Pause button, the simulation stops. 2. If participant selects Continue button, the simulation continues from where it is left. 3. If participant selects Change Volume Settings button, a panel is displayed on the screen Participant can increase volume of the simulation by selecting + button Participant can decrease volume of the simulation by selecting - button. 4. If participant selects Display Instructions button, a panel which presents the instructions of the simulation is displayed. 5. If participant selects Exit button, simulation ends and main menu is displayed. 9

11 Training Mode Use Case Use Case: Diagram: Select Technique Display Score Display Options Take Quiz Answer Questions Attend Practice Technique Hold Object Drop Object Add Question Delete Question Update Question Figure 5 Training Mode Use Case 10

12 Brief Description: Figure 5 is a training mode use case diagram. In this use case diagram, when participant enters training mode, he/she can select a technique related to first-aid and medical intervention and he/she can display his/her previous scores. After selecting a technique, the participant shall finish educating part of the simulation. Then, participant shall take a quiz related to the technique and he/she shall answer the questions which are multiple choices in the quiz. After quiz, participant shall be able to attend to practice part and he/she can hold and drop objects in the simulation. Admin is able to manage databases related to quizzes and scores. Initial Step by Step Description: 1. When participant selects a technique, a panel which includes a list of techniques which are related to first-aid shall be displayed. 2. During education part of training, participant shall take information from NPC. 3. When education part of training is completed, participant shall take a quiz related to the education When quiz part of training occurs, a panel which includes list of questions which are multiple choices shall be displayed Participant should answer questions by selecting one of the choices At the end of the quiz, correct answers and score shall be displayed If the participant has given correct answers to 80% of the questions, quiz part shall end and participant shall attend practice part If the participant fails, participant shall return to education part. 4. When participant attends practice technique, participant shall be able to interact with objects Participant shall interact with objects by holding and dropping them If participant hold down the trigger button, participant hold the objects on the virtual environment If participant stops holding down the trigger button, participant drop the objects on the virtual environment Participant shall gain score by performing techniques correctly. 5. Admin can manage questions which are on the quizzes When admin selects the add question button, a panel which admin can add multiple choice questions on will be displayed When admin selects the delete question button, a panel which admin can delete multiple choice questions on will be displayed When admin selects the update question button, a panel which admin can update multiple choice questions on will be displayed. 6. Participant and admin can display scores specific to each technique Participant can display their own scores Admin can display all participant scores specific to each technique. 11

13 7. If participant selects options button, a panel which includes option properties shall be displayed Battlefield Mode Use Case Use Case: Diagram: Select Injury Scenario Select Medical Interventions Technique Display Option View Progress Bar Movement Hold Object Drop Object Display Score Figure 6 Battlefield Mode Use Case 12

14 Brief Description: Figure 6 is a battlefield mode use case diagram. In this diagram, when participant enters battlefield mode, he/she can select an injury scenario which includes different scenarios of a NPC to get injured. After that, participant shall select medical intervention technique. Then, participant shall finish his/her duty in specific time. Participant can display his/her progress in simulation. Moreover, participant can move on the virtual environment and interact with objects by holding and dropping objects. Also, Participant and admin can display scores on the battlefield environment. Initial Step-By-Step Description: 1. Participant can select an injury scenario from the list of scenarios. 2. Participant shall select a medical interventions technique related to the injury scenario. 3. Participant can select generate simulation button which chooses an injury scenario from the list of scenarios and a medical intervention technique which is related to the chosen scenario randomly. 4. Participant can move on the battlefield When participant presses the trackpad up button on the HTC Vive controller, the participant shall move forward When participant presses the trackpad down button on the HTC Vive controller, the participant shall move backward When participant presses the trackpad right button on the HTC Vive controller, the participant shall move to the right side When participant presses the trackpad left button on the HTC Vive controller, the participant shall move to the left side. 5. Participant shall interact with objects by holding and dropping them If participant hold down the trigger button, participant hold the objects on the virtual environment If participant stops holding down the trigger button, participant drop the objects on the virtual environment. 6. If participant selects options button, a panel which includes option properties shall be displayed. 7. Participant can display progress bar during the battlefield simulation. 8. When participant accomplishes or fails the given objectives, a new panel shall be displayed which includes the result of the simulation and score of the participant If the participant accomplishes the given objectives in a certain amount of time, the displayed panel shall include the finish time and score of the participant If the participant fails the given objectives, the displayed panel shall include the reason of failure and the score of the participant The displayed panel shall also include two buttons which allows the participant to restart the current simulation and return to main menu. 13

15 9. Participant and admin can display scores on the battlefield environment Participant can display their own scores Admin can display all participant scores that participant gains on the battlefield environment. 3.3 Performance Requirement Simulation s visual must run smoothly without any latency to keep the level of immersion high. This requirement is depended on many aspects of the user pc. Minimum requirements [1] for running HTC Vive are: 1. GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better 2. CPU: Intel i5-4590/amd FX 8350 equivalent or better 3. RAM: 4 GB or more 4. Video output: HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2 or newer 5. USB port: 1x USB 2.0 or better port 6. Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or later, Windows Software System attributes Portability Simulacrum is designed for HTC Vive using Unity 3D. The project can mainly be used with HTC Vive but other virtual reality glasses like Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, etc. can be integrated into the project with basic adjustments since the project is developed by using unity 3D Performance Objects, which are not seen by participant, should not be rendered unless the participant sees the object. Animations of objects should not be played unless the participant sees the object. Level of detail of objects should be changed according to distance between object and the participant. Quizzes in training mode should be completed in 5 minutes Usability Each quiz in training mode has 5 questions. Each question in the quizzes has 5 choices. When the participant fails, an error message, which explains the reason that why the participant failed, should be displayed. 14

16 Adaptability Daily backup should be taken Scalability Since only one participant uses the system at a time, there is no scalability requirement. 3.5 Safety Requirement HTC Vive requires at least 2 meters square area. This area should not include any object which might be an obstacle to the user. These obstacles might cause the injury of the user or it could be harmful to the HTC Vive controller or the glasses. Using HTC Vive for a long period of time and brain-body conflict might cause nausea and dizziness on the user. Brain-body conflict can be caused in simulation by changing position or rotation of the user in the simulation while the user stands still in real life. 4. REFERENCES [1] "HOW-TOS - What are the minimum system requirements?",, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18- Nov- 2016]. 15






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